Visit your Academic Counselor Today!

“You don’t know what you don’t know until you find out you didn’t know it.”

Many students feel misguided on what major to choose or are unaware of all of the different majors that are offered here at UVU. There is a simple way to solve this, visit your academic counselor! They can help you to get on track to graduate, get involved in school activities, and register for what classes you need to take. 

Alisha Wall is a first-year academic counselor from right here in Utah County. She decided to become an academic counselor when she saw how much they helped her while attending UVU. Her purpose is to help students accomplish their goals. There are many things that academic counselors can offer that are not usually well known by a majority of students. They aren’t just there to help with scheduling matters, but also to ensure that you are the best student that you can be. They can offer guidance on how to strengthen time management skills and how to deal with difficult teachers. Academic counselors suggest that you make an appointment with them preferably once a month, but at the very least once a semester. You can find your academic counselor and make an appointment with them at and then navigate to the academics tab.  

Academic counselors want you to come visit them, it’s their job! There are so many things on this campus that you likely don’t know about, and you can learn about them by making an appointment on the UVU website. Wall  said it best when she stated, “You don’t know what you don’t know until you find out you didn’t know it.”

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