Chandler Christensen
Staff Writer
Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon that occurs when the
dreamer is aware that they are
dreaming, while having the ability to control the d
ream. In a sense, lucid dreamers are “awake”
within a dream.
Although it might seem to be a rare occurrence, lucid dreaming happens quite often. In a 1988
study, dream researchers Snyder & Gackenbach found
that 20 percent of people said that they
had a lucid dream at least once a month.
Experiencing a lucid dream may seem impossible for
many people–especially those who claim
that they never remember their dreams. Luckily, there are tips and tricks to get on the right
track towards having your first lucid dream.
One popular technique is to keep a diligent dream journal. Each night, keep a pen and paper
handy by your bed before you go to sleep. When you
wake up, write down everything you can
remember about your dreams.
The idea is that exercising dream recall daily will
help with awareness in a dreaming state,
which should make it easier to become awake within
a dream.
iWinks, a technology company, is currently manufact
uring an aid for lucid dreaming. Called
“Aurora,” this headband worn on the forehead at night monitors your brain waves during sleep.
When the device detects that you have entered REM sleep–the stage of sleep when dreaming
occurs most frequently–it flashes custom colored L
ED lights and music of your choice in order
to signal you within your dream that you are dreaming.
Lucid dreaming could also be used for drug addiction treatment. Austin Barrett, UVU Student
and former opiate addict, had a lucid dream in which he used opiates. “I woke up from the
dream feeling no desire to use that day. It seemed
to satisfy my craving for the drug,” said
Whether it’s exploring an unconscious dream world,
or feeling awake within a dream, lucid
dreaming is just one example of the complex nature
of the human brain. It may take practice,
but there are many possibilities that exist within
the realm of lucid dreaming.