Freshman Kasha Tirillo said that even though she is from Utah, winter in Orem is nothing like winter in Delta. “It’s totally different. Delta is in a basin by a desert, so it gets a lot colder.”
Previous California resident Sophomore Chris Merino said winter in Utah is much more inconvenient than winter in California. “In California, there is no snow, which means there is no shoveling snow or having your car door freeze shut.”
Junior Olin Thomson is originally from Hawaii and hates the cold temperatures in Utah. “At home, 60 degrees is a really cold day. Here 60 degrees is considered warm! It’s terrible, I dread getting up in the morning because I know I will have to go outside to start my car.”
Previous New Hampshire resident Sophomore Andrew Tidd said he really doesn’t mind the winter in Utah. “In new Hampshire it’s cold all of the time. It’s about 10 degrees colder than Utah.” Tidd said. “Another difference is that snow doesn’t melt until April in New Hampshire, instead it just keeps piling up higher and higher. So on average I actually like the winter here in Utah a lot better.”
Freshman Laura Varella is originally from Brazil and said winter is extremely different in Utah. “It’s a lot colder here, and it never snows down there. I really hate the cold weather, but I do actually like the snow because I like to snowboard, and it’s not as cold when it snows.”
Regardless of the varied opinions, one thing that everyone can agree on is that winter in Utah can be quite cold.
By Cheyenn Clayburn