“Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” is a documentary film that centers around Christopher Reeve, known for portraying Superman in a series of films in the 70s and 80s. It goes from the beginning of his career to the end of his life. It reveals many details about him, pulling aside the curtain to give viewers a look into a life not fully explored.
The documentary features interviews with people from Reeve’s life, including his three children and ex-wife. These interviews create an air of intimacy that otherwise would not be possible. Each clip felt as important as the last, from footage taken by a camcorder at home to professional recordings taken at a red-carpet premiere.
The directors, Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui, show their familiarity and expertise with the material by intercutting footage of interviews with never-before-seen footage, creating a compelling story. They could have taken this documentary and made it all feel-good-good content, but they pull apart the story, dig deep, and reveal details that adds humanism to a person who, to some, might seem superhuman.
Bonhôte and Ettedgui forge a beautiful narrative that will bring tears to the eyes of anyone less than superhuman. This documentary was well-received by critics and noteworthy figures, such as James Gunn, The President of DC Studios and the director of the upcoming film “Superman: Legacy,” who recently acquired the film for $15 million. He stated: “It emotionally floored me. I knew DC Studios needed to be involved & I’m grateful to our WBD family at Warner Bros, HBO, CNN & Max having worked so hard to acquire it. It’s a wonderful film by wonderful filmmakers not only for people like me who love Reeve’s work but for everyone.” Super/Man is an incredible story that goes into the life of a great man to show what made him great. It is perfect not only for people who are familiar with him but also for those who aren’t.